Architecture: the art of stimulating perceptive skills text by Marco Casamonti
The sense of place. Notes on architecture and senses. text by Luca Galofaro
letture critiche/critical lectures
Façades - faces text by Antonello Boschi
Sensitive research issues text by Donatello D'Angelo
The Maggie’s Cancer Care Centre: a sensorium of hope text by Caterina Frisone
scenari di architettura/architectural scenario
Steven Holl Architects/Maggie‘s Centre Barts - text by Steven Holl Architects -photos by Iwan Baan
Atelier Martel/Epilepsy residential care home - text by Atelier Martel - photos by Mayanna von Ledebur
Neri&Hu/Suzhou Chapel - text by Neri&Hu - photos by Pedro Pegenaute
SO-IL/Kukje Gallery - K3 - text by SO-IL - photos by Iwan Baan
Christ & Gantenbein/Kunstmuseum Basel - text by Christ & Gantenbein AG - photos by Rory Gardiner, Stefano Graziani, Walter Mair, Markus Jans
IaN+/Ospedale del Mare - text by IaN+ photos by Hannes Meraner, Florian Hauser
Alberto Garutti/Opera dedicata a chi passando di qui penserà alle voci e ai suoni della città - text by Studio Alberto Garutti - photos by Studio Alberto Garutti
OFL Architecture/Zighizaghi - text by OFL Architecture - photos by Giuseppe Guarnieri, Riccio Blu
Schmidt Hammer Lassen, James Turrell/AroS “Next Level“ - text by Schmidt Hammer Lassen - images by Beauty & The Bit
Olafur Eliasson/Your rainbow panorama - text by Studio Olafur Eliasson - photos by Ole Hein Pedersen, Thilo Frank
Mori Building, teamLab/MORI Building DIGITAL ART MUSEUM: teamLab Borderless - text by teamLab - photos by MORI Building DIGITAL ART MUSEUM, teamLab Borderless
Studio Azzurro/Miracolo a Milano - text by Studio Azzurro - photos by Fabio Cirifino
Emmanuelle Moureaux/Color of Time - text by Emmanuelle Moureaux - photos by Daisuke Shima
Marc Fornes (Theverymany), Jana Winderen/Situation Room - text by Marc Fornes - photos by Imagen Subliminal
Giles Miller/ Penny-Half Sphere - text by Giles Miller - photos by Richard Chivers
Bruno Juricic/Cloud Pergola - text by Rebecca Carrai - photos by Jan Stojkovic
arte /art
Materia Assente
Edoardo Tresoldi - text by Edoardo Tresoldi
sensory design
bibliographical journey
edited by Aldo De Poli
itinerario contemporaneo/contemporary itinerary
edited by Andrea Ferraro, Sara Dello Scarparo
esiti concorsi/competitions
text by Alessandro Massarente
recensioni mostre e libri/exhibition and book reviews
texts by Aldo De Poli, Massimiliano Azzolini, Ilaria Morcia, Alessandro Gattara, Federica Arman, Michelle Erta, Claudio Dolci, Carmine Piscopo, Fabrizia Ippolito
new media
edited by Monica Bruzzone