la bellezza del costruire non coincide con la ricerca della bellezza testo Marco Casamonti
Costruire da dietro: l’architettura e l’estetica del ”retro” testo Spyros Papapetros
L’architettura strutturale: dalla ricerca della forma al free form design testo Massimo Majowiecki
scenari di architettura/architectural scenario
Christian de Portzamparc / Philarmonic Hall
Kengo Kuma & Associates / Museum of Kanayama Castle Ruin
UNSANGDONG Architects Cooperation / Gallery Yeh
Ateliers Jean Nouvel / Serpentine Gallery
Toyo Ito / Torre Porta Fira
NHDRO - Neri Hu Design and Research Office / The Waterhouse at South Bund
Nieto Sobjano Arquitectos / Barceló Market
Cherubino Gambardella / Palazzo del commercio
Pietro Carlo Pellegrini / Polo tecnologico lucchese
Giancarlo Mazzanti, Felipe Mesa / Coliseum
Chartier - Corbasson / Football Training Center
dooa arquitecturas / Menjarosa
Tabuenca&Leache Arquitectos / San Jorge Church
Juan Miguel Otxotorena / Ermita de la Virgen de la Antigua
MGM Morales-Giles-Mariscal / Social Housing in Monte Hacho
bakarquitectos / JD House
bibliographical journey
itinerario contemporaneo: Johannesburg
esiti concorsi/competitions
recensioni mostre e libri/exhibition and book reviews
new media
La bellezza del costruire non coincide con la ricerca della bellezza
Ensamble Studio, Hemeroscopium house, Lasrozas-Madrid, Spain 2008 – photo by Roland Halbe Architectural planning and the subsequent construction bears witness to an own interior beauty – the most appropriate term…
Costruire da dietro: l’architettura e l’estetica del “retro”
Building from behind: Architecture and the aesthetics of dorsality. Beauty? Yes, by all means [si, certo, ma…], but from which angle? In addition to who or what is being looked…
l‘architettura strutturale: dalla ricerca della forma al free form design
Structural Architecture: from form finding to free form design 1. Abstract. The empirical method in structural form finding has achieved world-wide efficiency and recognition as massive building tradition has continued…
Cidade da Musica
Barra de Tijuca is a new town in Rio de Janeiro’s southern outskirts. It is a long plain that lacks strong architectural events and urban marks. The site is structured…
Museum of Kanayama Castle Ruin
The site is located at the foot of Kanayama Castle, known for its beautiful stone wall and stone pavement. It is a community center incorporating guidance facilities for this historic…
Gallery Yeh
Enormous urban <canvas> has been attempted through the project Gallery Yeh. Canvas is the wall of the building as well as a piece of experimental artwork that indicates a sign…
Serpentine Gallery
How should one make a pavilion for the Serpentine Gallery? Where should one begin? I open my eyes, and where am I? In England. In London. In Hyde Park: a…
Torres Porta Fira
Within the “European Plaza”, a pair of twin towers now stands as part of the urban regeneration project for L’Hospitalet, the neighboring city to Barcelona. The site is approximately 8km…
The Waterhouse at South Bund
Located by the new Cool Docks development on the South Bund District of Shanghai, the Waterhouse is a four-story, 19-room boutique hotel built into an existing three-story Japanese Army headquarters…
Barceló Market
The project for the new Barceló Market and its surroundings is actually the sum of various different interventions: an urban complex featuring elements of differing scale and purpose which are…
Palazzo del commercio
Something enormous, a huge box distributed on two levels, two hundred and fifty metres long, seventy wide and ten tall: this was the starting point. A shopping mall, like so…
Polo tecnologico lucchese
The new technological district of Lucca is located in the eco-sustainable district dedicated to tertiary activities, equipped with every facility and designed to combine trade fair activities and technological transfer….
The project has been thought as a new geography to the interior of the elongated Aburrá Valley, between the Nutibara hill and El Volador hill. It is a building that…
Football Training Center
The setting up of a training center has opened up a dialogue between domesticated nature, artificially represented by football pitches, and the untamed greenery on the banks of the River…
Do you remember those unforgettable moments playing with your friends at school in the courtyard? It is exactly there, in the funniest place of the school, where it is necessary…
San Jorge Church
The building is fruit of a public aid summoned by the Archbishopric in 2000. The important thing was to solve the old aspiration of San Jorge’s neighbourhood of Pamplona to…
Ermita de la Virgen de la Antigua
This project has had to tackle various questions and problems, on the one side linked to the way in which the hermitage is used and, on the other, to the…
Social housing in Monte Hacho
The plot of land the Europan 5 competition proposed in Ceuta had these characteristics. Monte Hacho, a place riddled with fortifications incrusted in a rocky mountainside, suffers the aggressiveness of…
JD House
The plot we are working on is covered by large maritime pines, and is inclined. Even if this has made it harder to solve the problem of access to the…