architect: GENS association libérale d’architecture
location: Zutzendorf Bas-Rhin, France
In this Alsatian village, urban policies are sparse but straightforward: do as your neighbor; and all neighbors agree. The house designed by GENS only shows a tile covered gable roof, hiding the contemporary loft underneath. Ground floor is a free space, totally opened to the south facing garden; simply structured by a sauna and a shelf. On the top of this first house hovers another one, a retreat hidden in the bush of the industrial carpentry, looking down over the first one or escaping to the remote landscape.
project datas:
project name: disneyland
program: casa privata
client: privato
context: villaggio Alsaziano
location: Zutzendorf, Bas-Rhin, France
associates: TERRANERGIE ingegneria termica; BARTHES ingegneria strutturale
surface: 114sqm
GENS association libérale d’architecture, dedicates its collective energy to the invention of pragmatic solutions meeting the complexity of architectural commissions. In most variegated fields, public or private commission, cultural institution or do-it-yourself house, agricultural hangar or collective dwelling, GENS explores the economy of project within no less variegated forms: conceptual, esthetic, budgetary or calorific. Definitely oriented towards an operational practice of building, GENS allows itself to wander into other realms, being art, teaching, stage setting, as they participate from the one and only material: reality. GENS is a group of independent architects gathered in 2009 for the REHA-PUCA concourse, from which it was laureate. It is laureate from the AJAP 2012 award (Album des Jeunes Architectes et Pasyasgistes) which acknowledges promising french practices. It has been recently awarded second of the international competition Réinventer.Paris.