location: Sissone, France
year: 2015
With its conception and its internal organisation, the reconstruction of the Froelicher high school in Sissonne (France) fits into in a sustainable approach and takes account of the new urbanisation of the site. The project forms urbanizes and builts a coherent educational ensemble, dense and dynamic, suitable for studying and give flourishing students as required the last educational directions. The project optimizes the site potentialities, like the orientation or the functioning. The choice to built it at the limits of the city with a special architectural parti, accentuates the role and the image of the public and sustainable equipment in Sissonne. The new high school offers to the students and the professors a spacious setting for work in a green context. The conception is conceived integrating the technical, functionals and susbtainables constraints. It had been conducted considering the financial viability and economics saving without penalize the good working of the high school. The high school is taking advantage of all the site : the project had been designed considering the geometry and the land topography.The projet’s influence in the environnement, coming out with obviousness or subtlety, is studied in order to give answers at the following demands : impose a public educational equipment and merge harmoniously the project in the landscape and limited the impact of the buiding masses. The project size and its waves are melting in the landscape adopting the site natural form, the thermic and vegetal covering, protective canopy, are spreading out and wrapring the wood fronts like a forest mimetism. The gentleness of the curves, the masses expression without orthogonality, the chromatic range and the used of natural materials merge perfectely the project in the landscape and integrate in it environment.
Location : Rue des Vieux Moulins - 02150 Sissonne (France)
Architects : DAUDRE-VIGNIER & ASSOCIES (Paris)
General contractor : Département de l’Aisne (North of France)
General Building company: Demathieu Bard Construction (agence Champagne-Ardenne)
Budget : 13,5 M€
Area : 5 440 sqm
Project Year : 2015
Credits photos : Charly Broyez