architect: Nelson Byrd Woltz Landscape Architects
location: Poverty Bay, New Zealand
Orongo Station is a 1,214-ha sheep and citrus farm on the North Island of New Zealand at the site of both the original Maori landing in 1100 and Captain Cook's arrival in 1769. With approval from Parliament and in collaboration with environmental officials and Maori leaders, NBW designed multiple farming operations, a regime to repair ecological damage, a wildlife reserve, and a series of gardens inspired by cultural and environmental influences.
In collaboration with the visionary client, NBW created and implemented a vision that incorporates a 600,000 tree reforestation and 30-ha of fresh and saltwater wetlands created alongside thriving agricultural production and a cultural program. These projects have contributed to the local Maori economy through the establishment of nurseries that supply trees and plants for on-site restoration. By integrating cultural and ecological restoration with profitable agriculture, Orongo Station serves as a model for sustainable land management.
area: 3,000 acres
master plan through construction administration
collaborators: James Blackburn/Robin Butt Architects of Record, Marianne Mackey Interior Design - Interior Design, Katie Ridder Design and Decoration - Interior Design, The Ngai Thamanuhiri Trust, Ecoworks - Ecological Services, Native Tree Planters - Ecological Services, Excluder Fence Company - Ngati Porou Fencing, Agfirst Engineering - Ngati Porou Fencing, Native Garden Nursery - Horticulture Consultant, Roger Evans - Building Contractor, Grant & Cook Surveyors - Surveyors, Bill Ireland - Bridge General Contractor, Phil Gaby - Structural Engineer, Escape Landscapes - Landscape Contractor