architect: MVRDV
location: Dutch Design Week, Eindhoven, The Netherlands
year: 2017
The future city is flexible. Have you ever dreamed of sleeping suspended high in the air? How would it feel to sleep inside a vertical hanging garden? What if your room was made of stairs? Would you dare to sleep in a room that was a billboard? Or inside a shimmering grotto? What is your dream room? In this installation, nine rooms are made to fulfil these idealistic but egoistic perspectives in a limited space.
When confronted with the dreams of others, users must learn to negotiate with eachother. How to defend your ideals? Users start to work with and around eachother and, somehow, together create something that is even nicer. And with the surrounding intrusions and negotiations, one begins to feel that something interesting is happening ‘next door.’ Why not visit your neighbour? Thus, Ego becomes Wego.
The (W)ego installation represents a frozen moment in the living and flexible (W)ego vision. In (W)ego a research platform from The Why Factory, future urban dwellings are capable of adapting in real time to the users’ needs. This vision is detailed in a film that plays in one of the rooms of (W)ego.
(W)ego shows that evolutionary and flexible architecture is possible. That the most perfect situation can be achieved at every moment, leading to an even more optimal use of our limited urban space.
The project by MVRDV, has been developed in collaboration with The Why Factory (T?F), a global think-tank and research institute led by professor Winy Maas, founding partner of MVRDV which explores possibilities for the development of our cities by focusing on the production of models and visualisations for cities of the future.
What: Installation
Where: Markt Square, Eindhoven
When: Open throughout Dutch Design Week 21 - 29 October 2017