Italian Stories. Architecture between portrait and self-portrait text by Marco Casamonti
Francesco Borromini text by Paolo Portoghesi
Italian stories text by Luca Molinari
The project and its story. Michele De Lucchi between architecture, design and art interview by Alessandro Benetti
scenari di architettura/architectural scenario
Michele De Lucchi/The Bridge of Peace - text by Michele De Lucchi - sketches by Michele De Lucchi - photos by Gia Chkhatarashvili
Michele De Lucchi/Centro Internazionale Guida Sicura Buildings - text by Michele De Lucchi - sketches by Michele De Lucchi - photos by Tom Vack
Michele De Lucchi/Padiglione Zero - text by Michele De Lucchi - sketches by Michele De Lucchi - photos by Alessandra Chemollo, Luigi Filetici, Tom Vack
Michele De Lucchi/Cataste - text by Michele De Lucchi - sketches by Michele De Lucchi - photos by Tom Vack with Ester Pirotta
Mario Cucinella. Towards an architecture of responsibility interview by Federica Rasenti
scenari di architettura/architectural scenario
Mario Cucinella Architects/SIEEB - text by Mario Cucinella Architects - photos by Daniele Domenicali
Mario Cucinella Architects/One Airport Square - text by Mario Cucinella Architects - photos by Fernando Guerra
Mario Cucinella Architects/Music House - text by Mario Cucinella Architects - photos by Moreno Maggi
Mario Cucinella Architects/Unipol Group New Headquarters - text by Mario Cucinella Architects - renders by Engram Studio, MCA Archive
Archea Associati. Contemporary equilibrium: Archea‘s project between experimentation and tradition interview by Maria Gelvi
scenari di architettura/architectural scenario
Archea Associati/Auditorium and Library - text by Archea Associati - photos by Pietro Savorelli
Archea Associati/“Ex Magazzino Vini“/ Eataly - text by Archea Associati - photos by Pietro Savorelli
Archea Associati/Liling World Ceramic Art City - text by Archea Associati - photos by Cristiano Bianchi, Nicola Saladino, Pietro Savorelli
Archea Associati/New National Stadium - text by Archea Associati - photos by Pietro Savorelli
italian stories
bibliographical journey
edited by Aldo De Poli
itinerario contemporaneo/contemporary itinerary
Northern Italy
edited by Beatrice Papucci, Ilaria Rondina
esiti concorsi/competitions
text by Alessandro Massarente
recensioni mostre e libri/exhibition and book reviews
texts by Aldo De Poli, Federica Arman, Massimilano Azzolin, Matteo Belfiore, Claudio Dolci, Ali Filippini,  Allessandro Gattara, Alessandro Massera, Ilaria Morcia, Carmine Piscopo, Elena Ronchi, Silvia Tagliazucchi
new media
edited by Monica Bruzzone

One Airport Square

area 155 | italian stories architecture between portrait and self-portrait

The building is located in a specific climate and cultural context, that of Accra, in Ghana. In this colorful environment of blue and pink, modernity has been represented by the…

Italian Stories by Luca Molinari

area 155 | italian stories architecture between portrait and self-portrait

If we were to answer a foreign friend about the recognisable symbols of Italian architecture of the last few years, I think we would have a few problems finding a plausible answer. There…