Photo by Aurelio Amendola

The exhibition, promoted by  Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Pistoia e Pescia and curated by Bruno Corà has been inaugurated on 9th May and is open until 26th July. Situated in Palazzo Sozzifanti, it presents works from Gori’s Collection, Fondazione Palazzo Albizzini Collezione Burri of Città di Castello and Aurelio Amendola’s photographs.

Pistoia celebrated the centenary of the great Umbrian artist ,Alberto Burri, by holding an exhibition  “Burri e Pistoia. La Collezione Gori e le fotografie di Amendola”. Numerous countries, in particular the United States along with Pistoia wanted to honour the artist’s talent. As Bruno Cora' says “he demolished and reconfigured Western painting" .
The inextricable link established between Burri and Pistoia, is proven by the great friendship with the art collector Giuliano Gori and long professional partnership with the photographer Aurelio Amendola.
The exhibition primarily focuses on some significant works from Gori’s collection, belonging to the fifties as well as a series of Amendola’s photographs which made Burri famous worldwide thanks to his "Combustion" shots, made in Morra’s studio in 1976.
The exhibition presents the important historically valuable work Sacco, 1952, given by the Fondazione Palazzo Albizzini Burri Collection of Citta di Castello. I Sacchi are an important part of Burri and Italy’s history after the Second World War, as they represent the Italian response to the language of Informal art.
The relationship with Pistoia is also expressed by Grande Ferro Celle, a specially designed sculpture made by the artist in 1986, placed along the road that joins Montale to Pistoia in the space that accesses Fattoria di Celle in Santomato, which is Gori Collections’ home.

As Gori declared - "It is part of the series of sculptures that Burri used to achieve during extraordinary events such as the Biennale di Venezia or Kassel." Perfectly inserted in the surrounding environment, the sculpture gives rise to different perspectives and points of observation of the landscape through the intersection of metal warheads. The installation is designed by architect Tiziano Sarteanesi, Burri’s historical curator.

Location: Pistoia, Palazzo Sozzifanti, entrance Vicolo dei Pedoni, 1
Dates: 9th May – 26th July 2015
Timetable: Tuesday-Friday  2.30 pm - 7.30 pm; Saturday and Sunday 10 am – 6 pm
Mornings: open for school groups and guided tours - Available by reservation
Entrance: € 3,00 – free for students, over 65 and Pistoia – Dialoghi sull’uomo tickets festival’s holders
Info and booking: +39 0573 974226 (Monday – Friday from 8.30 am to 1.30 pm),