There are places which are part of our everyday life, which dominate it in the forms and manners required by our society. There are places for consumption, transit, amusement which redesign the townscape of...
paesaggi artificiali tra architettura e cinema
Marco Casamonti: In this issue of area, dedicated to artificial landscapes, we are trying to tackle the theme of simulation in architecture in its various facets, including that of kitsch, by presenting a number...
East meets West – Tseng Kwong Chi
Self Portrait with World Center Trade Center, 1979 Photography by Tseng Kwong Chi, © 1979 by Muna Tseng Dance Projects, Inc., New York NY. Courtesy Galleria Carla Sozzani
An unexpected event, a misunderstanding, you seem...
Gambling… what else?
Las Vegas is in the Mojave desert. It was part of Mexico until 1855; the Hispanic name means “the lawns” because there were springs in the area that allowed a number of green oases...
Introverted architecture
Herzog & de Meuron, Tate Modern London, 2000 - photo by Margherita Spiluttini
While the idea that architecture shows its essence through its façade, its outer appearance, cannot be denied, neither can it represent an exclusive assumption, an...
l‘architettura invisibile
Invisible architecture
The aim of architecture is to construct spaces that are suitable for people to go about their lives. Through the physical consistency of structures, the architect, in actual fact, designs and creates the...
momenti del razionalismo critico in Franco Albini
museo del tesoro di San Lorenzo
photo by Pietro Savorelli
I will here attempt to analyse how many signs of introversion were manifest in the mature phase of Albini in the early Fifties, in relation to...
Quale architettura per la Metropoli del XXI secolo?
What architecture for the Metropolis of the 21st century?
In Paris, where there is a museum for everything, architecture has found one in the Cité de l’Architecture, Palais de Chaillot, Trocadéro, alongside the Musée de...
Parigi metropoli
The Greater Paris International Consultation
The last transformation of Paris took place in 1860 and was the work of Baron Haussmann, then prefect of the Seine Department. At that time the city covered 100 km²...
Parigi città-laboratorio
Stefano Fera: The international consulting for Greater Paris seems intent on challenging the very idea of capital city. A typically Nineteenth-century idea, linked to a centralist concept of the State which has only been...
Alcune considerazioni a margine della “nuova” Grille Royale a Versailles
Some reflections on the “new” Grille Royale at Versailles.
The invitation to put forward some considerations regarding the restoration of the historical gate, the Grille Royale, in the Castle of Versailles, designed by Jules Hardouin...