Identity of the landscape: less aestethic more ethics
Archea Associati, Antinori Winery - photo by Pietro Savorelli
Among the many Venice Biennials that have been held there are two, more than twenty years apart, whose messages, expressed in a nutshell by their titles,...
Landscape infrastructures
From the biological to the geological.
If mere survival, mere continuance, is of interest, then the harder sorts of rocks, such as granite, have to be put at the top of the list as the...
On landscape and architecture or how to call things with their proper names in...
I had a dream.
When I dream, and I often do, I sometimes decide to fly: it is always a matter of a low flight, topographic, almost like an induced levitation that enables me to...
Landscape. Architecture
ETAR de Alcântara, Lisbon, Portugal (2005-2011). Photo by Diogo Bento
A lot has already been written on landscape design, and one often runs the risk of suggesting and accepting simplistic approximations generated by the incredible...
Spaceport America
Located in the desert-like landscape of New Mexico, Spaceport is the first building of its kind in the world. Its design aims to articulate the thrill of space travel for the first space tourists...
Antinori Winery
It is therefore clear that the project could not be understood as the construction of a new headquarters or the realization of a new Palazzo Antinori or a new brick fortress that still evoked...
Memorial to Garibaldi in Forte Arbuticci
At some point in the life, not only professional, of an architect he or she will encounter places in relation to which not only the initial reaction, but also the one following a deeper...
Joanneum Museum Extension
The ground surface, the horizontal platform upon which most of our movements in the city occur, is very rarely the generating argument or the spatial support of a project. Perhaps as a result of...
Städel Museum Extension
The new building adjoins the garden wing completed at the start of the 20th century and itself the first extension of the original museum building, which was built on Frankfurt’s Schaumainkai in 1878. In contrast to...
Pitagora Museum
The project for Pythagoras Museum and Gardens is the result of the international design competition held by Crotone Council with funding from the European Community in its role of encouraging development of urban community...
Marcel Sembat High School
The refurbishment and extension of Lycee Marcel Sembat (high school), with its urban location and complex programme, is a combination of architecture and town planning. In close proximity to a forest area, a recently built...
Service Block – Camerino University
Long, soft curves between the distant valleys of an archaic and mysterious central Italy. Forests with chestnuts and larches and – suddenly – outside the gorges, anticipated by fragments of walls and lookout towers,...