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yaluntzangpu river terminal

The small boat terminal is located near the small village named Pai Town in the Linzhi area of Tibet Autonomous Region. As the remotest stop along the Yaluntzangpu River, it allows both local people...

namchabawa visitor centre

The visitor centre is the second building designed by standardarchitecture in Tibet in 2008 after the Yaluntzangpu Boat Terminal. It is located in a small village called Pai Town in Linzhi area, southeastern part...

serpentine gallery

The Serpentine Gallery Pavilion 2009 has an overall footprint of 557 square metres. The design comprises two mirror finished aluminium plates with a 18mm plywood centre, layered in a three-dimensional shape floating on thin...

landscaping of the tram line 1

There are forgotten places behind the different levels that time leaves and there are places that remember us. Behind the remains of the factory “La Británica” were the first walls made in the Serra...

high line

The High Line, in collaboration with Field Operations, is a new 1.5-mile long public park built on an abandoned elevated railroad stretching from the Meatpacking District to the Hudson Rail Yards in Manhattan. Inspired...

olnik spanu house

The place is of profound tranquility where after a day of rain and fog an intense light reflects in the stilled mirror of the majestic Hudson River‘s deep waters. A place where twilights are...

La semplicità e l’essenza delle cose – Christiane Löhr

Light and fragile, the work of Christiane Löhr renders the complexity and abundance of the elements it is made from with “delicacy”. The painstaking construction, the numerous tiny elements used, the complex geometric composition...

paesaggi artificiali

The term landscape, freed from the limitations connected with the common concept that it is strictly associated with nature, is in any case still a matter of homogeneous surroundings: the agricultural landscape, the urban...

amphitheatre house

The amphitheater house is built in Hydra, a traditional small town, situated in the homonymous island, close to Piraeus, the port of Athens. The building was built above the ruins of an older quasi-orthogonal...

intervista a Guillermo Vázquez Consuegra

Joao Alves and Alessandro Tessari: Guillermo Vázquez Consuegra, “Andalucía de Arquitectura 2007” Prize. This is an award to your professional path of development. We would like to start this conversation by asking you how architecture...

contemporary itinerary: Andalusia

area 103+ extra ordinary

presentazione/introduction extra ordinario il contract nella sua dimensione migliore text by Marco Casamonti Contract reale o Contract virtuale? text by Simone Micheli intervista/interview l'esperienza del Contract secondo Antonio Citterio l'esperienza del Contract in Cassina: intervista a Danilo Ronzoni l'esperienza del...