“Divine Light.
Imagining Dante’s Space”
This is the title of the incoming event at Franco Zeffirelli Museum in Florence on the 22nd of March 2018, celebrating and anticipating seven hundred years after Dante's death (2021).
The party will start with the welcoming of great figures of Italian literary and architectural culture such as Riccardo Bruscagli, Luca Molinari and Daniele Nannuzzi.
Riccardo Bruscagli, Professor of Italian Literature and Humanistic Sciences at the University of Florence, will speak about the relationship between Dante's comedy and Space in the lecture ‘Dante architetto dell’Aldilà’; Luca Molinari, Associate Professor of Contemporary History of Architecture at the “Luigi Vanvitelli” School, will lead a speech on ‘L’Architettura Italiana per la Divina Commedia’, ongoing exhibition at La Reggia di Caserta, of which he is the curator, and in the end Daniele Nannuzzi, Italian Director of photography, will investigate how to ‘Illuminare la scena‘.
Dante's space and its contemporary interpretation are going to be the crucial part of the event, that nevertheless will be hosted at the Franco Zeffirelli Museum, where a room for Dante himself shows all the unpublished sketches of the theatrical director.
Here divine intersects light.
In fact, light is a constant theme into Dante's comedy, in the literary masterpiece as well as in Franco Zeffirelli's sketches.
In order to represent the light, Uozu Italia, Chinese brand of lightning curated by Archea Associati, international architecture practice based in Florence, will make its' debut on the Italian context, being also sponsor of the event.
Thanks to the art direction of Archea Associati, Uozu introduces a new philosophy of lightning where light is not just an element juxtaposes to the space but heart of the project itself.
The event will follow with a cocktail party.
Reserved event. Max 200 guests.
2 CFP for all architects.
To subscribe email stampa@illum.it
Deadline 21.03.2018
title Divine Light. Imaging Dante's Space
curator Archea Associati
collaborators Museo Franco Zeffirelli, Illum
sponsor Uozu
when 22.03.2018 from 16.30
where Museo Franco Zeffirelli, Piazza S. Firenze, 5, 50122, Firenze
website www.fondazionefrancozeffirelli.com