location: Basilica Palladiana, Vicenza
year: 2017
From March 24th to May 7th the exhibition FLOW, Italian and Chinese contemporary art in dialog will be in the Palladio Basilica in Vicenza - Italy. FLOW isn’t just an exhibition, it is a long-term project which seeks to offer a platform for different cultures to have a proper dialogue and get in touch with each other. The concept has been developed by Maria Yvonne Pugliese and Peng Feng and already produced positive results during the 2014 Xinjiang Biennale. It starts from a very simple consideration: economic and financial factors are creating increasingly complex cross-cultural relations, linking together very different people. There is indeed a chasm between Oriental and Western mindsets, each one being limited perspective if considered alone. The best way to enrich both of them is to compare and contrast our different attitudes towards modernity.
An exhibition model already used in FLOW 2015
In what Bauman called a “liquid” society, the subject endlessly swings between selfconsciousness and a feeling of intimate loss. In such a context, art becomes an active instrument of enquiry and can even represent an anchor: a solid point of observation to better read the confusing reality that surrounds us. That’s why the aim of FLOW is far more than allowing the public to experience different artistic languages. Rather, the main goal is to give viewers the key to understand the philosophical issues lying beyond them, to make them confident and stimulate their own opinion. Each artist will also present a summary of their thought in a short video, while a more general debate will be filmed during the FlowTalk. The exhibition dialogues with the public, introducing them to a debate which calls for their own personal touch.
Italian artists: Bertozzi&Casoni, Francesco Candeloro, Simone Crestani, Arthur Duff, Angelo Formica, Piero Gilardi, Franco Ionda, Enrico Iuliano, Eva Marisaldi, Giovanni Morbin, Margherita Morgantin, Roberto Pugliese, Arcangelo Sassolino, Cristina Treppo, Dania Zanotto. Chinese artists: Bu Hua, Geng Xue, Li Binyuan, Li Wei, Chao Brothers, Shang Yang, Tian Xiaolei, Cui Xiuwen, Yuan Gong, Aniwar Mamat.
vernissage and FlowTalk: Friday, March 24th
opening to public: Saturday, March 25th
opening hours: Thursday from 5pm to 9pm
friday from 5pm to 10pm
saturday and sunday from 10am to 1pm and from 5pm to 10pm
with the participation of ASLC Progetti per l'Arte, Galleria Bonelli e EGG Gallery.