Inaugurated on 29th May 2015, "Giuseppe Terragni a Roma" is an exhibition that explores the complexity of the work of Giuseppe Terragni, undisputed protagonist of Italian architectural avant-garde, by showing his projects for the city of Rome. Each project has been reproduced by digital models and videos examinating the original graphics and photos of the models competitions. Together with plans, sections, perspectives and photo-realistic insertions, is possible to understand Terragni’s architectural choices about composition, materials, internal spaces and relation with the context. The research is born in 2010 by an idea of Flavio Mangione and developed together with Luca Ribichini, during the Master’s Degree Lab of Facoltà di Architettura di Roma La Sapienza, in collaboration with Fondazione CE.S.A.R. (Center of Rationalist Architecture Studies). Thanks to the material made available by public and private archives (Archivio Centrale dello Stato, Archivio Capitolino, Archivio Cattaneo, Mart di Trento e Rovereto, Csac di Parma, Fondazione Giuseppe Terragni, Archivio Mario Sironi, Archivio Andrea Sironi-Straußwald, Fondo Giorgio Ciucci) it has been possible to recover the most unusual, almost unknown material, including many sketches and graph by contemporary artists such as Marcello Nizzoli, Mario Radice, Mario Sironi with which Terragni established several collaborations, significants for the realization of his architectures .
The exhibition is open until 16th September 2015, hosted at “Casa dell’Architettura di Roma” and thought as a travelling exhibition to be adopted by the major Italian and foreign museums.