architect: Arne Henriksen
location: Øyna
year: 2006
This cabin is in an area planned for holiday residences on the far north side of the island Tromøya. The landscaped is slightly hilly with protruding smooth bedrock, heath, moss and pine trees. The property is on a southerly and easterly facing shelf with a beautiful view of the sea. The task at hand was simple: parents, two youngsters, a grandmother and guest friends should all be given the opportunity to have a fine time when they visited the cabin. These stipulations and the municipal regulations regarding roof angles and heights resulted in the holiday home’s form, a gabled roof that stretches out toward the sea and view. Two atria, one on the south side and one on the west side, give privacy and shelter in the mornings and evenings. The bedrooms were placed in each corner around a common room. The roof shape and height of the gable provided an opportunity to create mezzanines, both for the teenager’s bedroom and a workplace for the parents. Shading from the sun to the south also enabled the addition of two small verandas attached to the mezzanine rooms. The home is panelled in aspen on the outside, whereas aspen, ash and birch were used on the inside.