area 137 | chinese identity

The new CityLife district is an important reference for contemporary architecture of global significance and a significant architecture for Milan. The designers were asked to identify a solution consistent and integrated with respect to the placement of the building and the architectural choices and composition. They had to take into special consideration: the volumes and the architecture around it (the three skyscrapers, new homes and existing ones, the convention center); the design of the public park; the system of pedestrian and cycle paths and the main roads.

typology: design competition by invitation, for under 35 architects
prize organization: Citylife
invitation: February 28, 2014
submission deadline: May 05, 2014
results: June 19, 2014

Ennio Brion (presidente)
Luca Larosa
Alessandro Maggioni
Susanna Mantovani
Roberto Russo

winner: 02ARCH – Ettore Bergamasco, Andrea Starr-Stabile / team: Francesca Pedrazzi, Elena Bigioni, Annalisa Desole, Enrico Serventi, Francesco Caliò, Laura Colosi, Martina Cicolari


2nd prize: MIPAarch
3rd prize: B22, Disguincio&co
4th prize: Ines Bajardi