location: San Paolo - Brazil
year: 2019
Tous les jours, the proposal of the curators of the XII International Architecture Biennale of São Paulo in Brazil Vanessa Grossman, Charlotte Malterre-Barthes and Ciro Miguel, aims to display the architecture and spaces of everyday life. Architects and town planners have always aspired to design spaces, cities, and even entire worlds. However, given political uncertainty and the current economic situation, marked by environmental damage linked to ever faster technological developments, architecture professionals have agreed on the fragility of our future. In response to all of this, by questioning the objective and centrality of the project, they have focused their attention on daily architecture - that is, the architecture of every day - made up of apparently trivial objects, and our daily routines. This research, which makes up the theme of the XII Biennial, picks up on the apparently insignificant reality of everyday life. It is seen as an essential mediator of architectural planning and of the city who searches for a new ethics and a new simplistic aesthetic.
The Biennial will concentrate on three thematic areas: Everyday stories, Everyday resources, and Everyday maintenance. Architectural and urban projects will be on display, as well as conceptual research, works, and installation. There will also be talks and installations concerning contemporary dynamics at different scales: from the small object to the increasingly complex relationships of modern urban planning.
All information on the XII International Architecture Biennale of São Paulo and the guidelines for how proposals must be submitted are found on the Biennial website: www.bienaldearquitetura.org.br.
The final submission date is the 1st of April 2019 at 17:00 (Brazil time).
Vanessa Grossman is an architect and historian of Brazilian architecture. She studied at the University of São Paulo, the University Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, and did her PhD at Princeton University. In 2019-2020 she will join the ETHZ-ETHZ Federal Polytechnic as a postdoctoral researcher.
Charlotte Malterre-Barthes is a French architect, town planner and researcher who graduated from the ENSA-Marseille and did her PhD at the ETHZ in Zurich, where she is now a professor and researcher.
Ciro Miguel is a Brazilian architect and photographer who studied at the University of São Paulo, Colombia University, and who is a professor and researcher at the ETHZ - Zurich.